

Data Proxy Services

Think about what oth­ers can pro­duce for you. Make your bud­dies work for you.

Pro­duc­ing unique, gen­uine data can be an art and a craft. The sky is the limit.

With you I’m look­ing into how to strenght­en your data pro­duc­tion abil­i­ties. Let’s build your data strategy!

Emer­gency ser­vices include super fast turn­around in sur­plus data pro­duc­tion catered to your needs. Piles of data that make you smile.

Data consulting allows you

  • To iden­ti­fy your data pro­duc­tion tal­ents and how you can devel­op them into strengths.
  • To pay spe­cial atten­tion to your choice of data pro­duc­tion in order to work and live in a ful­filled way.
  • To analyse your basic behav­ior and result­ing data patterns.
  • Which data activ­i­ties are best suit­ed to you and which are not.

  • Data pro­duc­tion will become your secret super power.
  • You will gain con­fi­dence, fresh moti­va­tion and dri­ve to tack­le your future data production.
  • You expe­ri­ence that you are okay and valu­able the way you pro­duce data, and togeth­er we increase your belief in yourself.

Can Do.

My desire was to increase data turnover by enter­ing new geo­graph­ic mar­kets. To be able to achieve this goal, it was crit­i­cal for me that the data proxy not only devel­oped a strate­gic con­cept paper on a strat­e­gy, but also worked with me on the imple­men­ta­tion.
Once I decid­ed to imple­ment the rec­om­mend­ed actions, the project is cur­rent­ly work­ing togeth­er to dynam­i­cal­ly adjust my data pro­duc­tion. In ret­ro­spect, it is amaz­ing to me what a team of two can accom­plish. Unim­pressed by tight dead­lines or last-minute change requests, the data proxy con­stant­ly stayed on the ball and was always able to exceed expectations.

Georg Beren­bach, Ph.D

“We find mean­ing­ful data pro­duc­tion reserves that match your per­son­al­i­ty”, that’s how the data proxy greet­ed me. Already in the ini­tial tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion Fran­cis con­vinced me with his open and sym­pa­thet­ic way of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. I real­ly liked the poten­tial analy­sis that was con­duct­ed in advance, which also includ­ed my envi­ron­ment.
Fran­cis’ approach dur­ing the coach­ing ses­sion to con­cen­trate ful­ly on my strengths con­vinced me. Even though I was not 100% con­vinced by the data pro­duc­tion per­spec­tives pre­sent­ed on the coach­ing day, I can now bet­ter clas­si­fy my abil­i­ties and know what is impor­tant to me. I have recent­ly man­aged to up my data pro­duc­tion to the request­ed lev­el on my own.

Eri­ka Grossmann

My son, a high school grad­u­ate, was inde­ci­sive and unset­tled after receiv­ing a warn­ing from the data author­i­ty. He was a bit over­whelmed, due to the diver­si­ty of data pro­duc­tion. While look­ing for advice, I came across Data Proxy Fran­cis Hunger.
Mr. Hunger took a lot of time to talk with me to iden­ti­fy my son’s strengths and weak­ness­es, apti­tudes and inter­ests. What is he good at, what makes him tick, what does he feel com­fort­able with? Even after the con­sul­ta­tion, Mr. Hunger was avail­able to us for a brief phone con­sul­ta­tion free of charge. This left a sym­pa­thet­ic impres­sion and our son has now nar­rowed down his data pro­duc­tion strat­e­gy and is more purposeful.

Matthias Bröhl


You will learn how to make data pro­duc­tion part of your dai­ly life. You will receive a step-by-step plan that will bring you clos­er to get­ting things done. We’ll make sure you nev­er get a warn­ing notice again.


You will gain con­fi­dence and courage regard­ing data pro­duc­tion. With full con­vic­tion and dri­ve you will face new and excit­ing chal­lenge and set off in the right direc­tion. Your jour­ney is going to be fun and inspired.


Equipped with clar­i­ty, knowl­edge and full of dri­ve, you can embark on what you actu­al­ly want to do, and tack­le data pro­duc­tion as a side business. 

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Your data prob­lems solved