Welcome. I’m here to help you
Data Proxy
Consultant & Vlogger
I help peoÂple to proÂduce enough high qualÂiÂty data and to regÂisÂter it with the data authorÂiÂty. In doing so, I advise comÂpaÂnies and indiÂvidÂuÂals on their path to success.
My topÂics are data analyÂsis and develÂopÂment as well as data cleansing.
I can help peoÂple to idenÂtiÂfy and realÂize their data potential.
I supÂport comÂpaÂnies in the selecÂtion of data strateÂgies and advise indiÂvidÂuÂals on their indiÂvidÂual data hygiene.
I can clarÂiÂfy how aggreÂgatÂed data and meta-data shall be treatÂed, how it is comÂpenÂsatÂed, and when your data must be deleted.
Let’s creÂate greatness.
Consulting to the extreme
The data proÂducÂtion law assigns you to proÂduce a cerÂtain amount of data each year. In addiÂtion to conÂsultÂing on data proÂducÂtion itself, I make sure your data is actuÂalÂly attribÂuted to you. I can clarÂiÂfy the purÂposÂes your data may be used for.
The Solution Scheme
How can I solve your problem?
The process diaÂgram shows the eleÂments that are cruÂcial for your sucÂcess to unfold.
Data Excellence
RecÂogÂnized by the IIEEA for forÂward-lookÂing data proÂducÂtion excelÂlence. InnoÂvaÂtor of the year.
Best Concept
RunÂner-up in the SucÂcess 4 Future comÂpeÂtiÂtion among 87 parÂticÂiÂpatÂing ideas.
European Innovation Fonds
AwardÂed for outÂstandÂing innoÂvaÂtion of the EuroÂpean Data Spaces.
Free Guide
This free guide is full of usable answers for data proÂducÂtion in priÂvate life, neighÂborÂhoods, comÂmuÂniÂties, and comÂpaÂnies. A call to action and an outÂstandÂing encourÂageÂment for each of us.